Are There Any HCG Diet Dangers?

Are There Any HCG Diet Dangers?

The HCG diet is known to be an effective treatment for weight loss. But like any other weight loss treatment, a lot of misinformation has been spread about HCG, misleading people to think that HCG can impose certain dangers to the body.

Most information is from people who have not participated in the HCG diet. Other misinformation is from different weight loss treatment products proclaiming that they own the best diet treatment available.

For the most part, such an occurrence cannot be avoided. The need to lose weight has produced an ever growing demand for weight loss treatments that could provide immediate results. Hence, the vast competition in selling and advertising diet treatments to its consumers.

However, what we can address is the false information being spread about the HCG diet.

For those of us who have participated in the HCG diet and have come out successful, we know for a fact that HCG is safe. From the first use of HCG by Dr. Simeons, the physician who designed the HCG diet, in conducting his experiments, up until now with the thousands more participating in the diet, there have been no solid evidence to prove HCG to be harmful to our health and body.

As a matter of fact, high doses of HCG have been approved by the FDA for use in fertility clinics. Although the FDA has yet to approve HCG as a weight loss treatment, the approval in the use of HCG clearly shun rumors of its dangers. Furthermore, compared to the amount of HCG used in fertility clinics which is 10 times more than what is required to complete the HCG diet protocol, HCG in whatever form is a harmless hormone to take.

What people should be more worried about is the quality of HCG they are buying. With the growing demand and competition, it cannot be avoided that many grab the opportunity to con consumers in buying their products, which they claim “the best” HCG product available in the market. If you have done your research, you would know that in whatever method HCG is administered, you would get the same results, as long as a good quality of HCG is used for the duration of the treatment.

In addition, don’t be fooled right away with inexpensive HCG products. Before buying, it is essential that you also get a background on your supplier and find out if what they are selling is at par to what HCG is supposed to be. Moreover, talking to people who have participated in the HCG diet protocol and knowing the brand they have used will help you avoid the danger of buying low quality HCG products.

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