Famous Weight Loss Programs and How they Work
Authentic facts behind weight loss programs are generally difficult to find, given that there are all kinds of slimming programs out there and almost daily, a new program comes out. As a result, weight loss which otherwise should be a fairly straightforward task is made complex. In this article, I am going to present the popular weight loss programs with the pros and cons attached with them.
Let me start with the Low Fat Diet program which recommends low fat or no fat foods. This program can be very successful if properly produced by a good weight loss specialist. Regrettably, most low fat programs in the market trim down fat consumption to such low levels that it becomes detrimental for the health. The second most celebrated weight loss program is the High Protein Diet which entails you to take high protein, low carbohydrate foods. This diet may lead to a fairly rapid weight loss at the beginning but isn’t really effective in the long run.
The next diet is the Fixed Menu diet which signs up the foods that you can take. This program is relatively easy to follow because the foods are already selected for you although it usually fails in the long run since the choice with the food is very limited. The Pre-packaged Meal diet is another weight loss program which requires you to buy pre-packaged meals but in most cases, weight loss is only due to the loss of water from the body. The last diet is the Formula diet which exchanges one of your meals with a liquid formula. This type of diet can be quite effective but never creates a long term effect since people start to gain weight as soon as they stop taking the formula.
So what is really the best weight loss program to go for? Most experts would probably recommend the latest hCG diet technology which effectively reduces the fats in the body and helps you to maintain the healthy body even after the program. This diet is relatively easy; you just have to take low-level doses of the slimming hCG sublingual drops coupled with a low-calorie diet. And you will see the effects within a few days time. Try it!